Thursday, February 22, 2024

Balancing Self Care and Never Ending Obligations as a Working Mom

The house is quiet and today.

This is not your typical quietness. Most of the quiet time I have during the week is usually paired with some sort of obligation. For example, when the kids are at school, I'm at my full time job. When the kids are sleeping, I, too, am equally exhausted and can be found in bed.

Today's quiet is different. I choose for it to be obligation-free and instead I'm using it to nourish my soul.

It's not that there aren't other things that I could be doing. The sink is full of dishes. The bathrooms could use a good scrub. I could be planning a birthday party, making a meal plan, or preparing a shopping list.

Today, I choose not because I know that I could be working, planning and doing chores indefinitely if I'm not intentional about taking breaks and incorporating self care along the way.

In my current stage of life, getting all my work done before rest & play no longer makes sense for me.

It worked for me in my early 20s. Between school-work, part-time work, and dorm life, I had a fairly limited amount of responsibilities that I could easily check off of my to do list. I had an abundance of time and energy to engage in other activities that I enjoyed and ample time to refill my emotional cup.

Today, as a working mom, my to do list is indefinitely long. Between taking care of my family, my home, my career and myself, there is ALWAYS something to do. Despite this circumstance, however, I'm the one who has to take accountability for my rest, my play, and for my emotional wellbeing. Which is why I chose to enjoy today's quiet.

The work is never done... but somehow it always gets done. I know that this may sound contradictory. But if you're a busy mom, you may understand. The work somehow always gets done, whether I'm taking care of myself along the way or not. After years of battling chronic burn out, I've learned, when possible to choose the peaceful path and for me that means prioritizing self care as often as I can.

I'm grateful to have a life where self care is an option.

Peace and Blessings,


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